Caylia's Blog
The day silence became my most rewarding applause
July 1 2017
My first day at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music was as intimidating as it was exciting. The Conservatory’s Outreach Program, a program that sends musicians out to perform at local Convalescent Homes, hospitals and other service facilities, heard about my reputation as a Cabaret Singer, so they sent me out to perform classics from popular American music standards; show... read more »
How I became the "Heart & Soul" of a party
June 1 2017
When I was five, my older sisters had a slumber party and I was too young to join them. From my room I heard their friends play “Heart and Soul” on our piano. The next morning I woke up and played the song by ear. It was the first song that I had ever played and was the defining moment... read more »
How to capture your audience with a confident performance
May 1 2017
Even if you don’t want to sing professionally, learning how to free your voice can have all kinds of benefits. It can help you deal with stage fright, save you from losing your voice when you speak a lot, improve the tone in your speaking and singing voice, and help you to communicate with confidence. read more »
Music and Math are like peanut butter and jelly...
April 1 2017
I remember being told that Music and Math were directly connected to each other and thinking, “yeah, right”, but, then I also remembered hearing one of my parent’s friends mention that her family lived in the apartment building across from Albert Einstein and that she recalled hearing him practice his violin, and that he was an accomplished musician! There was... read more »